Shades for Migraine Awareness, Headache Disparities and Expanding Access to Life-Changing Medications
Today is Shades for Migraine Day! It’s part of Migraine and Headache Awareness Month (#MHAM2020) to raise awareness about living with migraine. Post your photo on social media with the hashtag #shadesformigraune and challenge 3 friends!
Life Update: Looking Ahead to Headache on the Hill 2020 By Reflecting on the Past
It's been a while since I've written a blog here. In the past year, I wrote a thesis that got high honors, graduated college, moved to a new city and started a full-time job, all while navigating my life with migraine disease.
Changing my Life with the Push of A Button: My Experience with Aimovig
In June of 2018, I took my first dose of Aimovig, one of the new CGRP medications. I livestreamed on facebook about taking my first dose, posted about how excited I was to try it and then haven't talked about it since.